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lily biscuits (made by tess)

by on February 5, 2010

the snow has been steadily falling since probably 7 or so this morning, and we’re told it will continue to do so until saturday evening. in other words, we may never escape the house. jamelle and i made breakfast, though, and here is my contribution:

recipe from my friend lily, here


the baking goddess

From → breakfast

  1. love the stars! hope you are enjoying the snow–it’s pretty so far, but i’m not that excited about being marooned again…! ❤ j

  2. Molly permalink

    Those look delicious! I’m so jealous of your snowpocalypse!

  3. yay!!

    that happens with my oven at home too–the one here appears to be magic and not burn anything.

    at home it always burns the bottoms first. incredibly frustrating. takes much moving around of racks and trays.

    still good though right? if not quite as good without the salty ham?

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